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What Can Clean Do?

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Increase Productivity

Productivity is one of the most immediate ways in which you, as an employer, can impact your bottom line.

When you provide your employees with a clean, hygienic workplace, they have fewer distractions, call in sick less often, feel better about their work time and focus better on their day-to-day activities.

Cleaner, Healthier Facility

A clean workplace is not just about what it looks like. 

An immaculate workplace benefits you, your employees and everyone who encounters your facility by eliminating germs, reducing bacteria, minimizing exposure to allergens and simply providing a healthy, good-feeling place to work.

Reduce Cost

Did you know that lost productive time for health-related reasons averages?

Our proven best practices of “Cleaning for Health and Appearance” could reduce the probability of infection for the common cold and flu by as much as 80%, the number of surfaces contaminated by viruses by 62%, and lower absenteeism by as much as 46% in your workplace.

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Improve Air Quality

Something as seemingly simple as the quality of the air we breathe inside your facility can significantly impact your workforce. By consistently cleaning and vacuuming, you can improve the air quality in your workplace, leading to lower absenteeism, higher productivity, and happier, healthier staff. There are so many great values.

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